Dem Notes

* The U.S. will host the 9th Summit of the Americas in June in Los Angeles. The focus will be on “Building a Sustainable, Resilient and Equitable Future.” The Summit of the Americas is the only hemisphere-wide convening of leaders from the countries of North, South and Central American and the Caribbean. One topic that should come up: The U.S., no longer the province of Trumpian foreign policy priorities, hasn’t eased the embargo on Cuba.

* “Some people may call what’s happening now the ‘new normal.’ I call it a job not yet finished. It will get better.”–President Joe Biden.

* “The president, finally, appears to have given up on his quixotic hope that GOP senators, some of whom he considers close friends, will ever have an ‘epiphany’ that breaks the spell Donald Trump cast upon them and brings them back to their senses.”–Eugene Robinson, Washington Post.

* “(The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan) acted like a vaccine for the American economy, protecting our recovery from the possibility of new variants. The protection wasn’t complete, but it was very strong. It prevented communities from suffering the most severe economic effects of omicron and delta.”–Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

* Look for the President and other top Dems to push several proposed laws over the next few months that would rein in Big Tech.

* The Biden Administration has asked for an additional $80 billion over the next decade to bolster Internal Revenue Service enforcement and customer service.

* “What a stupid SOB.”–President Biden’s hot mic response to Fox’s Peter Doocy at a press briefing.

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