Media Matters

  • It comes with the territory. You make a power or a cable or a pharmacy call, and you’ll likely start out on hold. And then you’re reminded of something else that comes with the territory: on-hold music. And one other thing: Like back-in-the-day elevator music, it’s supposed to calm and it rarely changes. Apparently for a lot of folks who call CVS and spend too much time on hold, having the same on-hold keyboard song for nearly 20 years only adds to the unhealthy frustration and tedium of waiting.


Among those not enamored of the CVS song “Golden Dragon” by circus composer Karl King is Harvard psychiatrist Steven Scholzman. “What they play is supposed to soothe you,” he says, “but after the three billionth time, it’s particularly unsoothing.” In other words, if CVS would just noticeably reduce the down time, music wouldn’t be an issue.


  • From the folks who brought us Amazon’s Echo smart speaker, this just in for those looking to get more creative about another layer of home security. Forget lots of lights and a TV left on or the posting of a prominent “Beware of Dog” sign. Echo’s “away” mode features long audio tapes that sound like real–albeit weird at times–conversations that could actually be happening inside.


Among the “away” mode conversational choices: A couple breaking up while trying to watch TV and a frustrated mom explaining to her daughter how to assemble IKEA furniture on the phone. This could go far beyond creative; already it sounds like Open Mic Night material.

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