Also Remember Sept. 11 on Sept. 10

There’s no denying that “Flags Along The Bayshore: Tampa Remembers 9-11” will be a sight for the ages: a patriotic ribbon of red, white and blue waving freely from Gandy Boulevard to Platt Street. It will be an impressively graphic reminder that we haven’t forgotten those who died Sept. 11. Nor what it is that is worth fighting for: our democratic way of life.

But where does that leave Sept. 10? That’s the date of the primary, an opportunity to actually participate in the process we all agree — and decree — is worth fighting for.

For the record, the first primary of 2000 drew 17.09 percent of registered voters. And that, mind you, was an improvement over ’98, when 13.05 percent of registered voters cast ballots.

“Flag-waving is wonderful,” says Supervisor of Elections Pam Iorio, “but the greatest act of patriotism is voting. We can remember Sept. 11 by voting Sept. 10.”

Let’s really roll.

Greco’s Cuban Trip: Why He Did It

A fortnight ago Mayor Dick Greco was ground zero in a raging, geopolitical firestorm over his furtive foray to Cuba. His press conference, an emotional, meandering mix of sentiment, philosophy, rationales and travelogue outtakes, didn’t satisfy most of the media. Very little does.

Explaining a trip to Cuba and a meeting with Fidel Castro — given all the political nuances– is inherently dicey, especially if you’re wont to wear your emotions on your sleeve.

Here’s one columnist’s take on why the mayor did it. The reasons are as multi-faceted as the mayor himself.

* Curiosity: The mayor has long been, well, smitten. You don’t grow up in Ybor City — of Italian and Spanish descent — without an acute sense of Cubans and their homeland. Vestiges of the grandeur that once was had to be seen first-hand. Intimations of mortality only added to the sense of exigency.

Moreover, increasing numbers of Americans of influence and standing, including some in the mayor’s own circle of acquaintances, had gone. A number are Anglos. After a while, the well-intentioned, informative, second-hand accounts were becoming gnawing reminders of where the mayor himself had never been.

“I don’t hate anyone,” says Greco. “But I understand why anyone would hate Castro. I’ve seen what they left. It was gorgeous

Times’ Column: Poor Parody, Poor Taste

Tampa Mayor Dick Greco’s controversial trip to Cuba — and its ex post facto revelation — are certainly fair game for commentary as well as parody.

Having said that, Times’ columnist Sandra Thompson certainly abused the latter in her Aug. 10 column. Her send-up of a Greco sojourn to Baghdad was not funny, merely sophomoric. But that’s not the issue. Not everyone can be intentionally humorous, let alone dead-on satiric. Some efforts are just laughable.

The column morphed from bad to bad taste when referring to the mayor denying “the rumor that he and Linda will be guests of Osama bin Laden at a Sept. 11 anniversary bash

Miner-Survivors And Media Overkill

Let’s just enjoy this while we can.

That gripping, melodramatic rescue of nine miners from the all-but-clenched jaws of death was a news antidote counteracting media coverage of homeland insecurity, stock market trauma, kidnapped children and Middle East carnage. The Quecreek Mine drama embodied so much of the human spirit that we so easily take for granted in a world too mindful of mankind’s dark side.

No less impressive than the trapped miners’ presence of mind and notes to loved ones was the fortitude and technological know-how of their rescuers. A 77-hour reminder of the ingenuity and can-do ethic that is the American spirit.

Also associated with America, however, is media overkill that can turn people into public and private property.

Geraldo and Donahue had early dibs on interviews. Networks touted and teased their “exclusives.” Letterman and Leno are in line. The rights of the “Somerset 9” will need to be secured for a made-for-TV movie. Book scenarios and even endorsements — think Skoal — could be in the mix.

Not all miner-survivors are equally photogenic or articulate. Some will have opportunities outside the mines. Others, when their celebrity status wanes, will have to return to their sub-strata culture.

For now, however, let’s just revel with a cause and enjoy this for as long as it is what it is: a celebration of life against some really long odds.

Mankind and Manslaughter

We can’t possibly know what it’s like to lose a loved one in a tragic, violent way unless we’ve walked in a survivor’s shoes. Would we seek revenge as much as justice? Is the horrifically unforgettable also forgivable? We can’t know, and we can’t judge.

But we can salute Bruce Murakami for the compassion he showed in asking a judge for leniency in the case of the young man convicted of the manslaughter deaths of his wife and daughter. Murakami’s family was snuffed out in a fiery accident caused by a 19-year-old drag racer.

The judge heeded Murakami’s plea for mercy and gave Justin Cabezas house arrest and probation instead of jailing him for up to 30 years. In addition, both Murakami and Cabezas, now 23, will be part of a community-service dialogue with teenagers on the consequences of drag racing.

Moreover, another life wasn’t claimed by the tragic accident. Murakami says Cabezas now has the opportunity to make something of himself. If he, indeed, does, that will be the legacy of uncommon compassion shown under the most trying and tragic of circumstances.

UFO’s: Remember Them?

See where military officials confirmed that two F-16 jets from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland were scrambled recently after radar had detected an unknown, low-flying aircraft in the DC airspace. The officials said they do not know what the jets were chasing because whatever it was disappeared.

“It was a routine launch,” deadpanned an Air Force spokesman.

Indeed. Only in post-9/11 America, could the launching of a couple of air-to-air missile-carrying jets around the Capital qualify as “routine.” Your basic, supersonic “Who goes there?”

Interestingly, there was a (non-military) eyewitness. He said he saw a “light-blue object, traveling at a phenomenal rate of speed

Pointless Pre-Season Exercise

Among the more pointless exercises in all of sportsdom is the publishing of point spreads for pre-season NFL games. Why bother? Do people actually bet on this stuff? These are exhibitions featuring cameo performances by frontline players and lots of playing time for those not good enough to line up on Sundays. The only thing real is the ticket price.

And this just in. The Bucs are 3 1/2-point favorites against the Miami Dolphins in the exhibition opener Aug. 12. With or without Warren Sapp on offense.

Bucs’ Disney Digs: Spartan No More

Seems like everyone is properly impressed with the Bucs’ new summer camp setup at Disney’s Wide World of Gruden Complex. The fields are manicured and the 115-room Celebration Hotel is hardly your Spartan training camp digs.

Which, in a way, is kind of a shame.

For fans who otherwise cannot realistically identify with professional athletes, the University of Tampa scene was a bonus. Millionaires were forced to live in amenity-challenged dorms and walk to work. Want a TV? Bring one. Need more blankets? Bring them too and carry them up yourself. That after-hours hunger attack? Try Subway or Mr. T’s on Kennedy Boulevard.

Now it’s posh rooms, cable TV and room service. But it was humbling while it lasted.

Public Relations And That Lawyerly Image

When last we checked, the United States was still a country of laws, which is good. But where there are laws, of course, there must be lawyers, which somehow seems less good.

The incongruity is nothing new. Attorney jokes predate the Magna Carta.

Maybe it’s the perception that the adversary system is too much about winners and losers and too little about right and wrong. “Taken to the cleaners” has always been more about law suits than dry cleaning.

Perhaps it’s because a lawyer must represent, say, a John Walker Lindh or an Alejandro Avila. Maybe it has something to do with medical malpractice nightmares. Or counselors whispering Fifth Amendment advice to their corporate clients. Or barristers clogging up the system on behalf of the fat blaming fast food or the disabled demanding lap-dance access. And you can still make a pretty good case that there’s a basis for “the best defense money can buy.”

Perception, of course, is reality. It is also selective.

It also has been reinforced by that out-of-context, “kill all the lawyers” quote from Henry VI, which seems so supportive of lawyer stereotypes and drastic reform.

To the Florida Bar, however, enough is enough, including Shakespearean quotes. To Tod Aronovitz, its new president, such tales and perceptions, full of sound and fury and lawyer jokes, signify nothing but cheap shots. That’s why the Bar has embarked on a $750,000 public relations campaign to combat the stereotypes and shore up the legal image.

Locally, there’s no one better positioned to address the campaign than Tampa personal injury attorney Rod Brooker. In a previous incarnation Brooker was a prominent public relations practitioner. Before making a mid-career change, he had been the well-regarded managing director of PR for the late advertising icon, Louis Benito.

Brooker doesn’t mind weighing in on the issue. And, yes, he has sent — per Aronowitz’s request — an extra $45 PR-campaign-contribution along with his $265 annual Florida Bar dues.

He sees an obvious irony. “We lawyers are advocates; it’s our duty to do the best job we can for our clients,” Brooker explains. “When someone is mangled in a car accident, my only duty is to recover as much money as we can. In the course of events, it’s going to upset others, including the other driver, but I’m just doing the best job for my client.”

But yet, he acknowledges, “We don’t do a very good job of explaining what we do to the public.”

So any campaign, he says, would need to be heavy on statistics, such as the dollars and hours associated with pro bono work. “I think you probably start with the macro story of the good things Florida lawyers do in the aggregate,” says Brooker. “The good works of the Florida Bar

Mining A Rescue For All It’s Worth

Let’s just enjoy this while we can. The rescue of the coal miners, that is.

Not only was there the gripping, melodramatic matter of pulling nine people from the all-but-clenched jaws of death, but the timing couldn’t have been more propitious. Not with homeland insecurity, stock market trauma, kidnapped children and Middle East carnage otherwise dominating the news.

The Pennsylvania rescue was much more than a happy ending to a harrowing tale.

The Quecreek Mine drama embodied so much of the human spirit that we so easily take for granted in a world too mindful of mankind’s dark side. These were men who had made up their collective minds to either live or die as a group. Clutching their faith and exercising presence of mind, they literally bundled together for warmth and survival. In the event of death, which loomed likely, the men had written private messages to their families and put them in a lunch pail: a legacy to what matters most.

No less impressive was the fortitude and technological know-how of the rescue workers. It was a dramatic, 77-hour reminder of the ingenuity and can-do ethic that has always been synonymous with the American spirit.

Also associated with America is media overkill. It turns people into public and private property. Andy Warhol talked of 15 minutes of fame. Would-be agents look for far longer shelf life.

Geraldo and Donahue have already had their dibs. Letterman and Leno are lining up. The feeding frenzy for the “Somerset 9” has only begun. There are rights to be secured for a made-for-TV movie. Book scenarios will be in the mix. Endorsements — think the Skoal folks aren’t salivating over this one? — could loom. That’s life, of course, as a commodity.

Not all miner-survivors will be equally photogenic or articulate. Some will have opportunities outside the mines. Others, when their celebrity status wanes, may have to return to their sub-strata culture.

For now, however, let’s just revel with a cause and enjoy this for as long as it is what it is: a celebration of life against some really long odds.