Sagging Pants Abets Stereotyping

Sagging pants:I don’t want to paint myself into a racist corner by coming down too hard on something like sagging pants. There are too many more important issues to deal with.

But what I am saying is this: For those so disposed to such a peer-group, niche fashion, consider not making it any easier for people not like you to define and stereotype you. And, for what it’s worth, you will no longer look asinine with your butt hanging out.

Drooping drawers are back in the news because Ocala passed a sagging-pants ban this summer and New Port Richey is considering one. The Marion County NAACP has criticized the Ocala City Council for a measure it contends will lead to the targeting of young black males.

That may be true.

Some things–attitudes, characterizations–are so embedded into our race-conscious society that respect for those of different hues remains an ongoing challenge in 21st century America. Looking like a fool gains no one’s respect. That’s not being a racist; it’s being a realist.

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