JFK Retrospective

I know it’s more than Lynn Marvin Dingfelder and I who are compulsively intrigued by the life and loss of President John F. Kennedy. Here’s another interesting read I’d recommend: Thurston Clarke’s JFK’s Last Hundred Days.

It’s intimate, haunting, ironic, tragic and confounding. Did he have to be THAT fallible? Could he have not lived just long enough to act on his instincts and final memos on Vietnam?

A few JFK outtakes:

* “The three most overrated things in the world are the state of Texas, the FBI and mounted deer’s heads.”

* “These (Joint Chiefs) brass hats have one great advantage in their favor. If we listen to them (about invading Cuba over the missile crisis) and do what they want us to do, none of us will be alive later to tell them that they were wrong.”

* “Only God knows just what segment of democracy they (military) would be defending if they overthrew the elected establishment.”

* “Crowds don’t threaten me. It’s that fellow standing on the roof with a gun that I worry about.”

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