Dem Notes

* The Biden campaign is opening its first Florida field office—in Tampa. The Sunshine State isn’t the swing state it used to be—but, with November ballot initiatives in play, it’s looking less red than 2020, when Biden lost Florida by 3%.

* Country over family: “We denounce (RFK Jr.’s) candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country.”–That was Kerry Kennedy and three other offspring of Robert F. Kennedy in a statement on their brother running for president. “Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment.” Ouch.

* The Lincoln Project has targeted Arizona and Wisconsin–”Ground Zero for democracy this year” with the launch of the 3-ad Operation RedZone.

* “Let’s call Trump’s words and actions what they are: anti-Latino, anti-immigrant, and anti-American.”–Biden-Harris 2024 Hispanic Media Director Maca Casado.

* Impeachment should never be used to settle a policy disagreement.”–Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on the conviction-less impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

* Stereotypes are inherently flawed, but it’s better to be demonized as “woke” or naively idealistic than hateful and self-serving.

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