The Book Of Worse

In her new book, “What Happened,” Hillary Clinton underscores, and rightly so, the impact of James Comey’s last minute, campaign intervention. It was, indeed, outrageous and beyond the pale. But there is still this: For those who made Comey their game-changer, they still had to vote for the alternative. It wasn’t Mitt Romney or John Kasich or Jon Huntsman. It was still Donald Trump, arguably the most unqualified person to ever be elected president.

Clinton was an experienced, capable but frustratingly flawed candidate who ran a below-average campaign. James Comey’s interference was unconscionable. But this is still on the electorate. There weren’t enough “deplorable” haters and Trump channelers to have defeated Clinton. But too many saw a “lesser of two evils” Hobson’s choice and voted for Trump–or sat it out. Thanks, again.

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