
* “Brazil serves as an excellent case study on why government mandates work. Today, approximately 50 percent of Brazil’s motor fuel supply is ethanol as a direct result of ethanol’s mandated use. Ethanol has allowed Brazil to eliminate the importation of foreign oil and become energy independent. Mandates, when used properly, remove uncertainty, provide market stability,  reduce risk and stimulate capital investment.”–Bradley Krohn, president of U.S. EnviroFuels.

* “It’s for that reason that I am here, with my little bag, to actually collect a bit of money.”–Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, indicating that she was at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to ramp up the IMF’s resources by $500 billion to order to help Europe if more lending is needed.

* “And now we possess a technology that removes the last political barriers to war. The strongest appeal of unmanned (drone) systems is that we don’t have to send someone’s son or daughter into harm’s way.”–Peter Singer, author of “Wired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century.”

* “The people who want to talk about the mission are not the people who were on it.”–Adm. Eric T. Olson, who helped plan the raid on Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan compound.

* “I study the history of climate science, and my research has shown that the think tanks and institutes that deny the reality or severity of climate change or promote distrust of climate science, do so out of self-interest, ideological conviction or both. Some groups, like the fossil fuel industry, have an obvious self-interest in the continued use of fossil fuels.”–Naomi Oreskes, co-author of “Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming.”

*”I don’t see how you can separate faith from moral values. I also don’t maintain that you have to be a Christian to exhibit those characteristics in private life or public office.”–Former President Jimmy Carter.

* “The Republicans absurdly call Obama a European socialist on the stump, but the Obama we saw Tuesday (State of the Union speech) night was a liberal incrementalist. … There was nothing big like tax reform or entitlement reform. … Instead, there were a series of modest proposals that poll well.”–David Brooks, New York Times.

* “The president is a smart man. But if he wins in November, that won’t be the reason. It will be luck. He could not have chosen more self-destructive adversaries.”–Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post.

* “As Republicans our first concern is for those waiting tonight to begin or resume the climb up life’s ladder. We do not accept that ours will ever be a nation of haves and have-nots; we must always be a nation of haves and soon-to-haves.”–Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels.

* “It’s insane that there have been 19 (GOP) debates! They’re all stupid. It’s like you’re tuning in to a car race, you really want to see if there’s a wreck.”–Fox News Network talk show host Chris Wallace.

* “We can’t tax or cut our way to prosperity and jobs. We have to invent our way there. We need more “Made in America and “Imagined in America.”–Thomas Friedman, New York Times.

* “He’s a phenomenal hockey player, and he’s entitled to his views. It just feels like we are losing in this country basic courtesy and grace.”–Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick on the decision of Boston Bruins’ goalie Tim Thomas to snub President Obama who was hosting a White House ceremony for the Stanley Cup champion Bruins.

* “There are potential down-ballot implications with a candidate like Gingrich, who is so well defined with Republicans and Democrats, someone who has such a big gender-gap problem, someone who reminds everybody of the 1990s–and not necessarily in a flattering way”–Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam.

* “I could do primaries in Florida all the time.”–Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier.

* “The makeover’s working.”–Brad Coker, managing director of Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, on Gov. Rick’s Scott’s popularity now polling 43 percent approval.

* “Clearing up the standing inventory is a major factor in moving forward in a housing recovery. At the current pace, the standing inventory of these (Tampa Bay) subdivisions should be cleaned out by mid 2013.”–Tony Polito, Metrostudy housing consultant.

* “Big jolt of energy.”–Mayor Bob Buckhorn’s response to news of the Tampa Jewish Community Center & Federation’s plans to turn the Fort Homer Hesterly Armory into a Jewish Community Center South Campus.

* “There’s an old saying in coaching: ‘Until they know how much you care, they don’t care about how much you know. When they know you care, they’ll run through a wall for you.'”–New Bucs coach Greg Schiano.

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