Hillsborough Schools: Education Majors Not The Answer

            The silver lining in the jobs-lost numbers is that the Hillsborough County School District can be pickier about teachers it hires for high-need subjects such as math, science, reading and exceptional education. There will be more candidates coming out of private-sector areas hit especially hard by a recessionary economy.

            “We are in a position where we can be more selective,” underscored Quincenia Bell, Hillsborough’s teacher recruiter.

            But then she added this disclaimer: “Some of the applicants are not education majors. Their challenge is to convince that principal that even though they didn’t go to school to teach, that they can teach.”

            A couple of points.

            First, not being an education major shouldn’t be viewed as a handicap. To the contrary. Not being burdened with bunches of common-sense psychology and methodology courses – at the expense of actual, subject-area mastery – should be considered a net plus.

            There’s a reason colleges of education are not, in general, highly regarded within the university academy. They are better known for their diversity models than for their academic rigor. They are more hire ed than higher ed.

            Second, what’s far more relevant is what a person has learned during the course of their ongoing Real Life seminar – and how well that translates to a real classroom with real, contemporary challenges.

            Here’s the sort of criteria that any prospective teacher should be measured by: 

            *Do they know their stuff? Do they have serious expertise in their subject area?

            *Do they genuinely enjoy working with young people? Can they reasonably accommodate to the popular culture? Mr. Chips need not apply.

            *Do they have the right personality fit?

>Are they comfortable being the responsible adult in charge of kids?    

   Discipline is a by-product. Deb Lafave  need not re-apply.

                        > Are they enthusiastic? Ben Stein roll-calling “Buehler, Buehler…” need

                            not be reprised.

                        > Do they have a sense of humor – including the self-deprecating variety?

            And if so — so what that they didn’t have Ed. Psych. 101?  

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