Monday Night Sleaze

Re: The flap over the controversial pre-game promotion before last week’s Monday Night Football game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Dallas Cowboys.

Get over it.

Not because “it’s no big deal.” And not because “that’s ‘show biz.'”

But because we’re not re-bottling the genie known as mainstream cultural sludge. And prime-time pro sports – notably basketball and football – are chronic offenders. From cheesy chorus lines and police-blotter players to gangsta promos. From “trash-talking” thuggery euphemized as “gamesmanship” to cameras following every boorish showboat’s customized choreography.

It is what it is, and the ratings and ad rates haven’t crested yet. As for that racy locker room exchange between Terrell Owens and some towel-clad bimbo actress, it was merely an extension of the increasingly sleazy entertainment product that is the NFL. And as black Indianapolis Colts’ coach Tony Dungy has acknowledged, they even played the racial stereotype card — lest someone be left unoffended.

It is the height of hypocrisy for ABC, the NFL and the Eagles’ organization to feign any regret over the incident. After a few pro forma apologies, they are high-fiving themselves for all the publicity.

If you’re a parent, don’t waste your breath complaining. Any more than waxing disturbed over an MTV awards’ show. The best thing you can do is to be an example to your kids and not applaud the “colorful” antics of dysfunctional-culture athletes because they are home town players.

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