“Constitutional Carry”

Ron DeSantis remains relentless and keeps checking the Trump-base boxes: from de facto voter- suppression and (newly “woke”) Disney denigration to school board bullying over mask mandates and textbook censorship. And more. Now he’s doubled down on his faux-freedom brand by appealing to every Trumpster’s favorite Amendment, the Second. The one that references “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” Who cares if the context is a “well-regulated militia” in an era of muskets?

DeSantis has promised to push for a bill allowing Floridians to publicly carry firearms—even if they haven’t got a permit or haven’t taken a training course. It’s euphemistically labeled “constitutional carry.” But there’s nothing euphemistic in “Gunshine State,” and there’s nothing constitutional or common sensical about permit-less carry in a state notorious for gun violence.

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