
* “If Cuba were to free its political prisoners, it would have more authority to demand respect for its regime and its way of doing things.” — Costa Rican President Oscar Arias.

* “What we’re seeing in Greece is the death spiral of the welfare state.”  — Robert J. Samuelson, Washington Post.

* “It diminishes the Holocaust.” — Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder of the Wiesenthal Center, on the Nazi Germany references used by some of the opponents of Arizona’s tough new law against illegal immigration.

* “You have no idea what I had to go through. You have no idea what they would call me. But the more they called me, the farther the ball went.” — Willie Mays on his standard response to the prejudice he experienced in his early days in the big leagues.

* “They donated to the Charlie Crist Senate campaign, and this is still the Charlie Crist Senate campaign.” — Charlie Crist on his rationale for not refunding contributions given to his senate campaign before he became a no-party candidate.

* “I’m not sure Kendrick is aware of how quickly this race is about to be over. I would say this thing is on life support.” — Miami-based Democratic consultant Jeff Garcia on the senate campaign of U.S. Rep. Meek in the aftermath of charges that he was involved with a developer/ campaign supporter charged with massive fraud.

* “If there’s anybody who can do it, it’s Al Austin.” — Republican fundraiser Al Hoffman on the formidable task awaiting Austin to raise at least $40 million privately for the Tampa-hosted GOP convention in 2012.

* “A major sports franchise brings an identity to a community and helps to bring a synergy where other good things happen.” — Bill Bond, former St. Petersburg city councilman.

* “She was an amazing woman with remarkable talent who introduced tens of thousands of people to the magic of silent films and the theater organ.” Tampa Theatre president and CEO John Bell on the death of iconic organist Rosa Rio at age 107.

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