
  • Miami-Dade and Broward are the only counties that require high-rises to go through a re-inspection after they reach 40 years of age. And, across the state, there is no requirement to probe beneath the surface and beyond what is visual to the eye.
  • When President Joe Biden visited the site of the Surfside condo collapse, he and Gov. Ron DeSantis met with victims’ families and first responders and attended a joint briefing on the rescue efforts, including federal aid. They are polar political and ideological opposites and likely don’t much like each other, but the optics of empathy, unity and cooperation were welcome. Having said that, “infrastructure” surely came up.

BTW, the DeSantis Administration was reportedly less than pleased that Donald Trump didn’t delay his Fourth of July weekend Sarasota rally—across the state from where a tragic disaster has been unfolding. DeSantis had originally planned to attend.

  • Gov. Ron DeSantis surprised a number of lawmakers by vetoing a Senate bill that would have paved the way for thousands of juveniles to have their criminal records erased after completing a behavioral diversion program.

“I am frankly dumbfounded. … I don’t understand why you wouldn’t give an opportunity to a kid to remake their life.” That was Sen. Annette Taddeo, a Miami Democrat, who co-sponsored the Senate bill.

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