Trumpster Diving

* “Too early to say.” Donald Trump on whether he will run again in 2024. A Trump-Greene ticket, anyone?

* “(If Trump tries to make himself) the center of attention, that actually could cost Republican seats in the general election.”–Steven Law, president of the Senate Leadership Fund, a GOP super PAC.

* “Unhinged falsehood.” Sen. Mitch McConnell on Trump’s contention of voter fraud.

* “A dour, sullen and unsmiling political hack.”–Donald Trump on Sen. Mitch McConnell. Imagine what he would have said had McConnell voted to convict.

* Former Minnesota Sen. Al Franken nailed it a few years back in a reference to Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. “I like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.” Self-serving ambition, deception, sleaziness, disloyalty and hypocrisy deserve no better. Cruz went from an insulted Trump foe to a fealty-friend of the Republican cult leader.

But like Trump, he’s a scorpion. A smarter one, but still a scorpion. He can’t change his nature. That’s why Cruz control took him to Cancun during his state’s infrastructure meltdown that was ravaging Texas with power outages and unsafe water. Now he’s “Fled Cruz, and more Texans presumably realize why they would be better off with Sen. Beto O’Rourke.

* “(Trump) will only define our party if we let him define our party.”–Gov. Asa Hutchinson, R-Ark.

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