Higher Ed Gem Reminder

We know that as a city and a region we’re fortunate to have a major research university in our midst. But unless we’re talking about a re-locating medical school or a revived football program, it can be easy to take USF for granted. The other night I was privy to the benefits of having a university with a Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies on its campus. Executive Director Mohsen Milani hosted Christopher Hill, former ambassador to, among others, South Korea and Iraq. A few outtakes:

* Chinese vested interest in North Korea: “The problem is deeper than refugee (scenarios). Many in their government see it in zero-sum terms. An American victory and a Chinese defeat (if the Koreas unite under South Korean aegis). We must deal with the Chinese and alleviate their concerns.”

* Iraq: “Will be seen historically as an enormous mistake.”

* Syria: “No victory parade in Damascus. (Look for) negotiations among exhausted parties.”

* ISIS: “There’s no negotiating with ISIS.”

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